On the Horizon

A new adventure awaits.

This year has involved a lot of soul searching (and a fair bit of job searching). The experience we had in China left a lot of scars that needed time to heal and part of that process was questioning EVERYTHING we thought we ever wanted.

We entered this phase of “what’s next?” with an open mind and few expectations. Sometimes that kind of detachment from a specific outcome pays off by bringing in exactly what you’re looking for.

We are moving to Thailand this summer and couldn’t be more excited. We had the privilege of experiencing Thailand quite a lot last year when we were trapped outside of China and cannot wait to get know this beautiful country better.

5 thoughts on “On the Horizon

  1. Congratulations on your move to Thailand! I hope it’s a good experience. I just caught up on your experience in China–what a nightmare. I’m teaching in Mongolia from the US, and I’m not sure when we’ll get to return. It isn’t easy these days!

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  2. Wow, how exciting! I know this past year has thrown a curveball at you, but it’s admirable that you’re breaking through and pursuing adventures all the same. Definitely be careful, as we’re still in a worldwide pandemic, but hopefully, you’ll still be able to find enjoyment through it all. 🙂

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